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Indian IT companies are leading the way in march towards inclusive workplaces: Report – Business Today

Indian workplaces are slowly moving towards ensuring gender parity, per a study by ManpowerGroup India.
According to the findings, based on responses from 3,150 employees, the IT sector (58%) led the way in strengthening diversity ratio at the workplace, followed by healthcare and life sciences, and real estate sectors with 54% ratio each. However, sectors like consumer goods and services fell behind with only 34% diversity ratio.
“India’s gender diversity is among the best worldwide and it is encouraging to see women participation in the workforce increasing at a rapid pace. Organisations have realigned their hiring strategies by mandating hiring of women at every level across sectors,” said Sandeep Gulati, MD, ManpowerGroup India and Middle East.
He added that technology coupled with specialised programmes to bring women who had taken long career breaks back to the workforce contributed to the improved gender parity.
Some of the key findings of the study are:
– Building trust—Over half (58%) of the respondents confirmed that building trustworthy relationships with teams within the organisation is helping boost the recruitment and retention of all genders more equitably. The other factors that contributed to this growth are employee well-being (57%) and recognising employees for contributing to a positive culture (54%).
– Learnability—Four in 10 organisations (43%) reported that leadership development programmes are effectively attracting people with diverse backgrounds.
– Tech Innovation—80% of employers said new technology has helped them be more flexible, promoting more gender equality, while 74% said that tech is diversifying their IT talent pipelines.
– Pay parity—Over half (58%) of respondents reported that pay parity initiatives are on schedule, while the remaining 32% are behind schedule and 10% have no initiatives. IT (65%), communications services (60%), and healthcare and life sciences (60%) topped the list in terms of pay parity.
– Uneven representation by role—Efforts to expand the number of women candidates vary by role type, with administrative (57%), front line management (55%) and operational (55%) positions leading the way. Less female representation were seen in top-level management roles (49%) followed by science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) (53%) and mid-level management (53%).
On the basis of the findings, ManpowerGroup suggested that some of the key ways to engage more women could be promoting women allyship, leveraging internal talent marketplace, upskilling and reskilling, flexible benefits, and supporting diversity and belonging.
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