
10 Best Side Business Ideas for Women – Yes Punjab

Are you desperately looking and searching for new ideas for side business for women?
There are a lot of business ideas for women, and we will be going through a comprehensive list of them. There is no need to reinvent the wheel in finding a profitable business idea.
If a previously successful business model can be replicated and coupled with your own modifications, it can lead to successful financial outcomes.
Women should not fall prey to the fraudulent business pitch made by unsavoury characters on the Internet who promise immediate return in paying money, most of which are scams.
Those who are brainstorming about various business ideas for women, should give thought to the following three questions in mind
* What is the ideal business which can be started which can become sustainable from a few years down the lane?
* How to get the business started, what are the license and regulatory requirements, skills set of employees and the identification of customers for their products?
* What is the quotient of business profitability and how to revamp existing processes to meet the competitive currents in the industry?
What are the various funding options that are available for women owned businesses?
Businesswomen know that their businesses can be better financed by the use of bank loans and other financial institutions. Business loans for women are the top priority for lending institutions as per RBI mandates. The following are some of the ideas of funding:
* Personal savings
* Personal loans
* Crowd funding and Grants
* Venture capital and Angel investors
List of the top 10 side business for women of the 21st century:
1. Tiffin Service business
Women with a passion for cooking like to create new recipes and feed their family members. This can be monetized and with the required skills and talent in the culinary department, a successful business can be quickly set up in amazing business locations where there is a lot of foot traffic.
Simplicity is not the only virtue of a successful tiffin service, but it also can bring the big bucks. This is especially true because, admit it a lot of Indians love eating out. There is a huge demand for delicious food and its preparation in sanitary and hygienic conditions.
Google searches indicate that most Indians are searching for food from restaurants in which hygienic and world-class way cooking methods are followed. If you are passionate about showing the world how to display your capabilities as a great cook and have the mental acuities of a top business mind, then opening a tiffin service business is perfect for you.
Interesting Fact
Lalita Patil was a normal housewife, and she founded the restaurant in Mumbai. Its humble beginnings as a small tiffin service centre in 2016 have now grown exponentially and she is now earning rupees 25 lacs per month.
One of the vital points in ensuring profitability for your tiffin service centre is that the food should be homemade and should be delicious. As your tiffin service centre grows in reputation it should be able to upgrade their kitchen infrastructure to sustain the growing demand.
2. Pet Grooming Services
European research agencies have indicated the fact that the pet care industry in India is bound to grow by 20% over the last year. Gone are the days when the demand for canine grooming professionals is limited to the metro cities.
* Right now customers are demanding, professionals who are well trained in the grooming and training of dogs in tier 1 and tier 2 cities of India.
* Pet lovers are increasing in India and if you have the required expertise in pet grooming and training sector, you can very well consider an option of opening a pet grooming facility at a place where the service is in great demand.
* Business loans for women cover this area and if you display a robust working plan in pet grooming industry, then you can definitely qualify for a business loan.
* The most vital factor that comes into picture when opening a pet grooming business is your affinity towards animals.
* Whether you are properly motivated to sustain a business regarding pet grooming is a question that you need to ask yourself. Capital investments in the initial stages will be in the range of 25 to 30 lacs.
Learn more before you take the next leap
* The present industry scenario indicates a lack of good professionals in the training and grooming of pets. Prospective businesswomen need to understand the concepts of hairstyling of furry animals, dog breeds and the different wellness products.
* Indian pet grooming industry has not yet reached a well-defined status. There is a dire need for capable professional trainers. Lack of training for upcoming groomers is a cause of concern.
* Pet grooming is definitely one of the best business ideas for women in India. One should have a holistic understanding regarding the various requirements of the pet grooming industry so as to become a household name pet grooming business in India.
3. Yoga instructor
Yoga instruction is a niche business and caters to the needs of those high-net-worth individuals who can afford a yoga instructor. It is projected that in the next 12 months, more than 34 % of the global citizens are most likely to take up yoga at some point of their lives. The market capitalisation of yoga practitioners is in the offered range of 5.8 billion dollars. Yoga business is the most assured way to earn money at periodic intervals.
The following are some of the tips to do well in the yoga business.
* To begin a yoga instruction business, you should be aware of the various training and certification requirements to get a foothold.
* After completing the necessary formalities, this business has the potential to earn handsome profits.
* Yoga instruction has two prerequisites. The first one is that you need to be an ardent fitness enthusiast and the latter one is a passion for teaching.
* Enrolling in a yoga certification course would be their ideal to win the trust of your clientele in this highly conservative and traditional business.
* Business loans for women are provided for entry into this business. It is better to align yourself with globally recognised NGOs that will help to enhance your learning through the latest development in the art of Yoga.
4. Retail clothes business
Many women in India consider a clothes business to be a lucrative and flexible side business. Women are not new to the fashion industry and they take pride in being pioneers in starting a clothes business.
The retail clothes business is showing an average year on year 10% growth every year. Due to the entry of online retail clothes business, customers are spoilt for choice and there are new avenues, where they can get clothes of their own preference. Ambitious, upscale and passionate women with a keen eye for fashion trends can capitalize on this trend.
Following is a shortlist to be taken to open a clothes store business:
Aggregate your money for investment
Try to gather all financial resources to out into motion the business idea for women in clothes and accessories, as initial equipment is going to get really expensive. Purchasing of merchandise, marketing materials and any expenses related to fixes and lightning requires substantial quality of initial investment.
Pick your clothing location wisely
Your business has a higher chance of profitability when you open the store where there is a higher density of people and a lot of foot-traffic. In initial stages of the business it is always advisable to open shop in a lesser competition area and where quality businesses are lacking, so that you can establish a superior brand presence over other businesses.
5. Beauty parlour business
If you already have experience in the beauty business, then managing a beauty parlour will be a walk in the park for you. The only downside is that there is a requirement of large quantum of investing in the initial stages. Setting up a parlour at home will be a good idea as it takes minimal initial investment.
The Government of India has made sure that the financial organisations are granting business loans for women with decreased interest rate and other favourable loan conditions.
The cost of setting up a beauty parlour business can be classified as:
* Infrastructure and utilities
* Beauty equipment and materials salaries
* Furniture interest on financial commitments
* Administration expenses
The following infrastructural needs to be looked into:
* Spacious room with optimal ventilation conditions and with a square footage of 900 square feet
* Furniture and electrical equipment
* Display shelves for the latest beauty products
* Interior decorations that mesmerize with plants as indoor fittings
6. Beauty cosmetics and toiletries relating to organic products
Very few people in society show a passion towards party organic beauty products.
Businesswomen need to have a very thorough understanding of the different qualities of beauty products that have been released into the Indian market.
Brief Highlights on Cosmetics Business
Having a unique understanding of beauty products will make the initial investment grow into a profitable business. Social media campaigns can also be launched for the effective marketing of these beauty products by taking the help of social media influencers.
* Housewives have a lot of time and they can arrange for free time to conduct research and identify the different markets available for the products.
* Governments are extending business loans for women in this category as this is a low risk and low investment proposition and that it’s bound to generate future profits.
7. Consultancy business for women
Having that experience regarding the different consultancy requirements of the incredibly talented youth and having the right connections with the corporate world will definitely go and is a long way in establishing a good business in this area.
The present business environment regarding consultancy is highly agile and there is a great demand for talented professionals to take on the reins to manage the business.
There are two types of consultancy projects one for the short term and long term. It is essential to have good connections with the different players in the corporate world.
Here are some important points for building a profitable consultancy business in India.
Getting a successful consultancy business going on, demands good public relations knowledge, and marketing and the ability to fundraise for setting up office infrastructure.
Special certification or licences are provided by the government to initiate the consultancy business.
* Profitability of the business depends upon the selection of the core vertical of the consultancy business. Accounting, Advertising or marketing consultancy is the traditional sector in consultancy.
* In the fields of taxes, insurance, human resources, career counselling and content writing are rapidly developing industries which require lots of talent in the coming decades.
8. Data entry business
This is another great business idea for women who find themselves in the low technical skill category. Due to the increase in the importance of data, business organisations are always looking to outsource data entry jobs.
* Enterprising women can learn typing and also recruit employees with similar skills to form a collective organisation. The absence of specialised software makes this business proposition attractive.
* Depending upon the client’s requirements, the staff may be required to verify the data authenticity, deploy software updating mechanisms and any other administrative requirements.
* In certain cases that are data entry business can grow into another with critical vertical, for example customer online chat which provides customer service in particular hours to different business organisations.
9. Vertical garden business
The demand for professional expertise in maintenance of vertical gardens is continuously expanding. Thanks to the eco consciousness and the majority of population in urban areas, there has been a renewed interest in buying, designing and the proper maintenance of vertical gardens.
Fundamental requirements before embarking upon vertical garden business:
* The extent of the area is not a predominant concern, and it depends upon the type of farming.
* Use of hi-tech machines can be done to make the business scalable.
* There will be a requirement for sand, gravel and certain other liquids. Vertical gardening makes very less use of water.
The unique selling proposition of this business is that it will greatly eliminate the need for soil and excessive insecticides. In this way, nutrient rich fruits and vegetables are grown and help the women entrepreneurs to consider a foray into a full-scale organic business.
This business idea for women is being greatly encouraged by the government of India since it has a lot of benefits for the environment and farming sectors. Financial institutions are extending business loans for women in this category as hi-tech machines may be required at the starting of the business.
The setup costs are also on the higher side due to the increased technical manpower that is required for installation of high-quality containers and tubes.
10. Day Care business:
Day-care businesswomen are seen as the primary caregivers to children. Due to the progressive social conditions, women are taking their rightful part in the job markets. This is leading to the mushrooming of day-care centres.
Parents are willing to invest substantial amounts of money for the day-care of children since this frees up valuable time for the parents which can otherwise invest their time in other professional money-generation avenues.
The financial institutions recognised the indispensability of day-care centres as a perfect business model and are granting business loans for women. Women entrepreneurs can get working capital loan of greater than 50 lacs which is collateral free. This business venture for women has a lot of potential to earn. The following are some of the crucial aspects that need to be looked into:
Design a day-care business plan
* Starting from day-care business from scratch can be done only when the proper research goes into it. Having a keen business mind and adequate levels of financial resources are essential in opening a day-care centre.
* Conduct a SWOT analysis and identify the weakness points. Do a comprehensive opposition research on the local competition and try to modify your services in such a way that parents of children will get to trust you business.
Interest Rates for Business loan for Women
The 21st century belongs to women entrepreneurs going all guns out to make a difference in the man’s world of business. The above listed side businesses for women are only the starting initial stages and once the ball gets moving, you will slowly increase in confidence and can scale up the business towards other verticals.
The financial institutions including top banks and other microfinance institutions are extending all the resources for women entrepreneurs opening up different businesses. Women entrepreneurs need to enhance their technical skills both in the management and digital marketing sectors.
A dedicated social media manager can be recruited to take care of the digital marketing campaigns. No business can survive without forming a personal connection with the customers. The customers are aware, and they have a lot of options on the Internet, so you have to differentiate your brand from the remaining competitors and form a good reputation of your business operations.


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